Carol tagged me, and I didn't have anything to post today anyway. Here goes:
Christmas Tag
1. Hot Chocolate or apple cider?
Oh, hard to choose. I love them both, but chocolate wins out every time. My SIL got me a lovely basket this year with several gourmet packets and some chocolate-coated peppermint stir sticks. Yum Yum!
2. Turkey or Ham?
We've done both. Growing up, we always did turkey for both Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I like the variety of ham at Christmas. When the in-laws still lived here, he always got several hams from vendors so we'd have a smoked, a honey-baked, a spiral. We're having steaks this year.
3. Do you get a fake or real-you-cut-it-yourself Christmas tree?
We like real, but have a fake now. Ds2 has pretty bad asthma in the winter and we don't want to aggrevate it.
4. Decorations on the outside of your house?
Not this year.
5. Snowball fights or sleddin'?
Stay inside with the hot cocoa watching the kids and dh out the window -- snowball fights and snowmen.
7. Do you enjoy going downtown shopping?
Not so much.
8. Favorite Christmas song?
Oh, I love them all! Probably O, Holy Night.
10. How do you feel about Christmas movies?
They're OK.
11. When is it too early to start listening to Christmas music?
We start Thanksgiving Day
12. Stockings before or after presents?
Before. Presents after dinner (usually lunch for us)
13. Carolers, do you or do you not watch and listen to them?
Love them, and love caroling!
14. Go to someone else's house or they come to you?
Depends on the year. Actually, we've always gone, but this year it's just us at home.
15. Do you read the Christmas Story? If so when?
Yes, we don't have a specific time.
16. What do you do after presents and dinner?
When we're at other homes, whatever they do, lol. Usually play with stuff, talk, eat some more and nap. We're trying to come up with a tradition that's 'ours' this year.
17. What is your favorite holiday smell?
Christmas tree smell, baking.
18. Ice skating or walking around the mall?
I've only ever ice skated once, at a New Year's Eve party, on someone's pond, somewhat intoxicated. I think my knees are too old to try it again.
19. Do you open a present or presents on Christmas Eve, or wait until Christmas day?
We usually let them open one on Christmas Eve, mostly b/c I can't wait! Not the ones from us, but one of the out-of-town presents that have come in the mail.
20. Favorite Christmas memory?
Maybe not the favorite, but the one that sticks out the most is the first Christmas Hubby and I were together. We were still in college, broke, all out of student loan money until the next semester. Hubby worked in Little Rock, an hour away, on the night shift. He didn't get his check until Christmas Eve, so we cashed it and figured we'd go out on Christmas Day, that at least one restaurant would be open. We didn't count on a small Arkansas town in the middle of the Bible Belt. NOTHING was open! Not even the Shoney's restaurant attached to the Shoney's Inn. We didn't want to drive to Little Rock since Hubby had to drive an hour back there and back the next day. So we thought we'd run to the grocery store, one would be open for a little whie for last-minute items. No such luck. We went to Dandy Don's convience store to see what they had. It was pretty slim pickins -- we ended up with tater tots and ice cream. We got home and opened the tater tots -- they were freezer burned!!! So, there it is, our first Christmas together with nasty tater tots and ice cream. But there was lots of luuuuuuv!
21. Favorite Part about winter?
I like the snow falling, hate the snow shoveling and snow driving. I enjoy winter foods -- thick soups and hot cocoa, baking without suffocating in the kitchen.
22. Ever been kissed under mistletoe?
Of course!
23. Tagging...
Let's see.
Possum Pearl, and whomever else wanders by and would like to play.