7 Years Ago Today
I became a mother! Little Miss M had taken her own sweet time, she was actually due on the 1st. The evening of the 6th, I thought I might be having some early twinges, but nothing regular was happening. We went to bed, but I just tossed and turned. I was so nervous, this being my first baby I was so unsure if I was in labor or not. By 6 am, I asked Hubby not to go in to work that day since the contractions were pretty regular at 30 minutes or so. We called my mom, who was flying in from Kansas, and let her know that I was in labor so someone else might be picking her up from the airport. Imagine her surprise when big ol' me walked up to her and said HI! I wasn't in much pain and the contractions were around 20 minutes apart -- and had been for a few hours -- so we figured I might as well be in the car with Hubby. We walked around the mall, took a nap, and by 11 pm they were around 5 minutes apart but still not much pain. I was so paranoid that they would tell me I wasn't really in labor and send me home. They kept me 'for observation' but the real deal came along quickly enough. By 9am the next morning little Miss M had made her appearance! I was going to post some early pictures of her, but that was before we went digital. Here are some others over the years:

4th Birthday -- This is basically a picture of me at this age

6th Birthday/Christmas pictures

Rockin' Down at 4

She was taking pictures with her first camera, at the zoo. So proud!

June 2003, at my SIL's wedding

And this year, proudly holding her card from Grandma Sherry, wearing her new birthday clothes.

4th Birthday -- This is basically a picture of me at this age

6th Birthday/Christmas pictures

Rockin' Down at 4

She was taking pictures with her first camera, at the zoo. So proud!

June 2003, at my SIL's wedding

And this year, proudly holding her card from Grandma Sherry, wearing her new birthday clothes.
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