Thanksgiving Pictures

Sweet bread cloverleaf rolls from the 1950 Betty Crocker Cookbook that belonged to Hubby's grandmother. The girls had so much fun making the little doughballs.

Do you notice anything missing? Yeah, I left the cranberry sauce in the cupboard! It was yummy today with leftovers, though!

That's hubby, doing his best Vanna impression

Oh, the bird turned out so good! I was pretty proud of myself. I usually use a turkey bag to cook it in, so I was afraid it would be dry. It was kind of a pain to keep basting it, but since I didn't leave the kitchen all morning, it wasn't that big of a deal.
I didn't get pictures of the Waldorf salad or the pumpkin pies. The pies were delicious! We had them hot, like the recipe suggests, and it was just delicious. They are just as good cold, we had some like that last night too!
Of course I took pictures of the food, but none of us, lol!!!
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