Ballet Picture Day
Today was picture day for recital costumes. OH MY GOSH! What a fiasco! My girls were supposed to get their pictures at 12:00, 12:15, 12:30 and 12:45 (Ballet costumes first, tap second -- they're in separate classes). We got done with the last picture at 2!!! I feel for those girls who showed up at 1 and are probably just now getting theirs done. Oh, well, we're done now. This week will probably light or no blogging -- we have tech rehearsal 5-9 (we live an hour away, so it's a 4-10 night!) tomorrow, dress rehearsal 5-9 on Tuesday, runthrough on Thursday, and I have to go look at proofs and order pictures Friday, then Saturday is the recital. What a week!!!!! Pray for me, please.

Ta Da

Pretty Plies

Tutu Girl

Pretty in Blue

Ta Da

Pretty Plies

Tutu Girl

Pretty in Blue

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