I baked my first loaf of bread tonight using the
Beginner's Bread recipe from
Hillbilly Housewife. am so geeked, the recipe said not to feel bad if it didn't turn out, her first loaf was a brick. Mine -- was not! It was delicious, light with a flaky crust. I am itching to branch out now, although I should probably make sure this one wasn't a fluke. I have a crusty french bread recipe, and a sourdough starter recipe too. For you bakers out there, though, I have a few questions.
- Can I make the dough and freeze it? Do I just mix it, then freeze it in a ball, thaw and do the 2 risings then?
- This is so dumb -- how do I store the bread? That is, if there's any left. Tonight it wasn't done til 8:30, so everyone only got 1 slice -- that was still half the loaf! Anyway, I wrapped it in Glad Press-n-Seal and put it in the breadbox. Wasn't sure if I needed to refrigerate it.
- Can I make a double batch? This little loaf was delicious, but like I said, won't last long! Will it be too hard to knead a double batch? Can I bake 2 loaves at the same time, and how do I need to adjust the heat and/or timing?
- And, in case I decide to get really granola-y, where would I get grain (to grind myself)? When I was growing up, I knew exactly where to get it. Drive down to the Co-op grain elevator and get some. Or ask a farmer at church. But here in the Detroit suburbs, where the heck would someone get wheat?!
OK, I think that's all the questions for now. We'll see how the next loaves turn out. I'm not sure how often I'll do this, but every loaf is a little less bread I have to buy from the store -- and a fewer preservatives in our bodies. Anyway, WOOT! I did it!
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